👋 Hi, I'm Harrison McGuire and I'm a developer with a passion for making interactive experiences. I've spent most of my development time doing full-stack JavaScript, but in the coming years I'd like to dedicate most of my focus towards game development. JS can be a wild jungle at times with an ever changing landscape, however, node and svelte have been my go to stack as of recently.
This year I launched GDTactics.com, it's a site dedicated to tutorials, walkthroughs, and discussions on the wonderful world of game development. The site is made with Sveltekit and Node.js, it's a custom CMS, I'd like to open source it eventually, but it's not quite there yet. GD Tactics is the logical expansion of UnrealCPP.com, it'll continue the process of aiding creators in their game development journey. I look forward to writing posts for the site and adding quality content that can potentially assist others in the game dev process.
My main goal in the near future is to make interesting and engaging experiences. I'm eagerly looking forward to developing games that meet a solid threshold of quality. I definitely want to improve my itchio page. Something is better than nothing, but I really want to be proud of the games I put out and at least appreciate their quality or fun factor. Making games can be extremely difficult at times yet the end product can be worth the effort. I want to keep an open mind to any game engine that suits my needs, but I have spent most of my time with the Unreal Engine.
⬇️ Below you can find some links that'll point you to some of my relevant development pages.
Thanks for checking this out, I look forward to seeing you around the web. 😃

Harrison McGuire